We offer you some articles that will help you understand the Sacrament of Confirmation.   Please take the time to read about it, and be catechized about this most important sacrament of the Holy Spirit.

Understanding the Sacrament of Confirmation

Parish Confirmation Requirements

Information for the preparation of receiving the sacrament of Confirmation for high school students is available in the Faith Formation Department. Registration for Faith Formation (Religious Education) is held during the month of April or May and classes start each September.

Information for adults wishing to receive First Eucharist and Confirmation will be available in the Faith Formation office during January and February. Classes for these Sacraments are scheduled to begin the middle of February.

Diocesan Guidelines

The following guidelines have been established in the Diocese for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation:

  1. An appropriate understanding of the Christian life. The candidate must understand and accept the life of Christ in their lifestyle.
  2. A firm determination to live the Christian life to the best of their ability. The candidate must be a good steward, giving in Christian proportion of time, talent, and treasure.
  3. Appreciation of the importance of worship and prayer in the life of the Church. The candidate must understand the importance of personal and communal worship.
  4. Faithful participation in parish religious education program.
  5. Commitment to further religious education by the candidate and parents or guardian. The candidate should be willing to be involved in parish religious education programs after Confirmation.


Baptized Catholic youth who have reached the 9th grade are invited at the beginning of the year (September) to enter into preparation for Confirmation in Holy Spirit Parish. The program begins in September and concludes with the celebration of Confirmation. Included in this period is a time for retreat and opportunities for service. As with Baptism, preparation for Confirmation takes place within the context of the total parish community.

This period of sacramental preparation is the time for specific focus on Confirmation. This time should reflect a more faith-sharing, Scripture intense, conversion process similar to that of adults in our parish RCIA. This includes instruction in the doctrines of our faith, but in a way that differs from our regular catechetical sessions. Candidates are expected to participate in sessions verbally by sharing their faith experience. Instructors will guide candidates in their sharing and help them to reflect on the meaning of the Catholic faith experience in their lives.

The role of parents/guardians, sponsors and catechists are of special significance. As with the Sacrament of Eucharist, a Baptismal Certificate must be presented for Parish records.


The candidate may select his or her sponsor from members in good standing with Holy Spirit Catholic Church. It is recommended that in order to complete the cycle of the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptismal sponsors become Confirmation sponsors. Sponsors from outside Holy Spirit parish must obtain a written notification from the parish in which they are registered indicating that they are in good standing in their Church. The role of the sponsor in confirmation, like that of the sponsor in the total RCIA process, has become a vital part of the candidate’s journey before, during, and after receiving this sacrament. Sponsors must be fully initiated (have received Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), active Catholics. Sponsors must be over 18 years of age and cannot be the Candidate’s parent. Only 1 sponsor per candidate as per Canon law.